Energy, Matter and Health


We are energetic beings. We also consist of elements. We are made of a 96% combination of hydrogen (stardust), oxygen, carbon and nitrogen. We also house calcium and phosphorous which, along with the previous, are essential or macro-minerals. In addition to these, we also require trace or micro-minerals for regulating body functions and building tissue.

Everything in our body and in our world has differing levels of matter, vibrating in varying rhythms. When we are healthy, all our systems are humming and flowing at their appropriate rhythmic oscillations. This can be understood as life force. Each and every piece of this known universe has a vibrational resonance.

Yet, the known universe isn’t all there is. There are cosmic vibrations, waves of ‘non-earth’ energy that contribute to our world as well, such as solar flares and coronal mass ejections from our sun, as well as energy identified and studied in astrophysics. Through this unseen energy, we are afforded the opportunity to work with the natural forces of the universe to create wholeness and health by creating harmony both inside and outside of our own beings.

“Our non-physical center has the widest view, the most cosmic connections, and the most up-to-date information to assist us in our daily lives. Often, we have trouble hearing this part of us.”

As a simple model, we are beings with Four Centers; three of them are familiar to us—head, heart, body (physical). Holding all of these is our non-physical center, our consciousness center, our wider self, or our soul…call it what you will. Our non-physical center has the widest view, the most cosmic connections, and the most up-to-date information to assist us in our daily lives. Often, we have trouble hearing this part of us.

Part of our challenge is that this wider center, the one that holds all the others, quite frequently speaks to us in ways other than direct language. It consists of energy that is undefined to our humanness. It is cosmic in origin—distinct from earth. Our non-physical self is quite versed in many languages, and its first language is energy and light, which is full of information.

Like everything communicated to us that is not in our familiar language, this cosmic communication requires translation. Some need it translated into words. Some understand when translated into pictures. Others receive communication from their wider aspect as a combination of energy, words and blocks of thought. All of this communication is vibrational in nature, just as spoken words are, yet they aren’t all able to be measured by the same apparatus in the same way.

We are also beings made up of matter, which is simply defined as material substance. We know when broken down to the smallest elements, we consist of atoms and subatomic particles held together by something, which we can call magnetism, or electromagnetism, or bioelectromagnetism. Our cells, tissues and organs produce electric and magnetic energy from their flow of energy or their vibration. When electricity flows, it creates a magnetic field. When there is a magnetic field, it creates an energy flow. When our physical systems are humming and flowing with life force in their natural state, health and wellness are present.

“In our physical bodies, much like in nature,
movement is life.”

In our physical bodies, much like in nature, movement is life.This environment of movement is governed by the vibrations and flows of energy, fluids and solids. Much like a landscape without the components of wind, rain or sun, our physical body fails when it is lacking nutrients and movement. When our internal environment is compromised, our physical energy is lacking, our mind suffers and our hearts experience less joy.

So, do we address these challenges from the physical approach or the cosmic approach? Do we throw ourselves into the hands of humans or our cosmic origins? That depends entirely on what you believe. Many physical ailments originate as emotions, thoughts, or beliefs—from energy. Thoughts and emotions, our head and our heart centers, have electromagnetic fields that literally are able to be measured. If we address our imbalances in these centers, many times (but not all), our physical does not harbor the imbalance.

All aspects of our lives are held by our larger consciousness center, our soul or non-physical aspects. This part of us knows exactly why we are here and what we wish to accomplish. This part of us has no judgement as to how life is lived and even if we are aligned or ‘listening’ to it. We have choice. Our non-physical self understands energy, experience and flow. It knows flow is needed, and always can assist in pointing us in the directions to create that movement—whether through help from other humans, books, inspiration, direct energy and information.

“The bottom line is, we need both, cosmic energy and matter to be balanced, in order to be healthy.”

Our body functions do not work without energetic and magnetic movement. Our ‘life force’,  which is actually multiple and varying vibrations and flows through cells, tissues and organs—if stagnant or undernourished, becomes compromised. Stagnation is not conducive to life, as we know it. Stagnation creates imbalance in body, mind and heart.

Our greatest gift to ourselves is the understanding that we are beings of movement and flow, consisting of both energy and matter. We have centers that are governing all of our functions, including our non-physical, which, at this point, are unmeasurable ones. When we find methods to balance our centers by nourishing the inner movements, energetic and physical, of all our centers, we create optimal health. When we are healthy, we feel good. When we feel good, we are able to allow ourselves to explore life and create an existence that fulfills our most beautiful dreams.

This, at a basic level, is why we are all here. And we are meant to feel good, and enjoy as much as we are able.