February Energy Weather – The Aquarian Dawn

A hand giving the flow of energy. Magic, fantasy. Glowing particles

The Aquarian Dawn

As we move into February, the expansive energy will be a game changer. It is a harbinger of times to come. Not all of us will feel it as butterflies and rainbow quite yet, but this energy is entirely different than last year’s. One thing we can be certain of in this next year is the disruption will continue. The good news is, many of us will be feeling the call to expand our edges, move beyond our old ways of being, and begin to ground entirely new possibilities right here on planet Earth.

Many sensitives, wayshowers and creatives, while feeling the tumult of last year quite deeply on many levels, are finally feeling an expansion that has not been here for quite some time. This may be felt in ah-ha’s from long experienced wound patterns, new possibilities in work or vocation, and a deep desire to create something new in your world. The constrictions are loosening, allowing us to look beyond whatever held us in place in 2020.

This next month offers bursts of insight and inspiration. There is a great possibility for dreams that have either deep meaning or a new way of experiencing an old challenge. You may be flooded with new ideas and pieces of inspiration. While this is a wonderful feeling, it may feel frustrating because as fast as these new ideas come in, it may feel like they disappear. The trick is to hold onto them and breathe earthly life into them by writing them down or somehow making them tangibly retrievable.

A World of Possibility

Throughout the month, there will be a great potential of expansion. Part of the challenge will be to take our eyes off of the chaos that is still swirling. We will all have our unique ways of creating safety for our own personal worlds, which may include keeping your eye on public matters. This is important. Safety is a necessity for us to move into more actualized experiences of self.

At the same time, this month’s expansive energy has such potential it will be helpful for us to allow our attention to move to the world we would like to see beyond what is right in front of us.

What is your humanitarian ideal? How can your personal gifts and strengths help to amplify this ideal? Practical measures, no matter how small they seem, make great ripples this month.

Creation Pods

While this sounds like a sci-fi dream, now is the time to begin to identify who you would like around you in your world. What kind of people would you like to have in this pod? What are they working toward? How do they relate to others? How could a pod of similar minded people assist you on your journey?

For the past year relationships have been shifting and changing. Work environments that once enlivened could quite possibly now be draining. Friendships and even family relationships are evolving. We are no longer able to hold onto relationships that are too far away from our current vibrations. What this means is you can no longer hide who you are and what your sacred core wants to express in the world. This knowing from your core may not be on your sleeve or even in your conscious awareness, but the times of hiding and ‘chameleonizing’ yourself to fit into to world is over. It simply no longer works.

If that gave you a shudder, don’t worry. You do not have to put yourself out there for all to see. What is imperative in these times is you begin to remember what you came here to do. You may be doing it. A lot of sensitives, creatives and wayshowers have been lying low, biding time and waiting for the energy where they can really make things happen.

This is the beginning of this time.

A Year of Healing

This entire year will be a massive year of healing for those who are ready and step into it. Perhaps step into it is too gentle a phrase…. you may feel you have been shoved into a healing crisis that seemed to come from nowhere.

This energy that is coming forth is an energy of deep integrity. In the past, we could be in situations and make ourselves small or simply power through our lives without too many consequences. That time is over. Your inner self will settle for nothing less than attunement and energy alignment. This new energy requires it. This will call for healing on multiple levels. The good news is this healing has already been happening. You will now begin to feel the expansion of some of your labors in this realm.

A major aspect of this healing will be in healing societal inequities. In order for this to happen, systems have to change. As each of us moves in our own healing circles, this has a ripple effect out into the world that impacts more than we know.

Included in this healing is working with and embodying the feminine aspects of energy. It is already happening. We are softening and becoming more vulnerable.

We are learning to hold our unique strengths, gifts and ways of being in the world as valid and sources of value for ourselves and the world.

We are learning to hold power-with and cooperating instead of shrinking from power, being a gatekeeper of it or even hoarding it. We are remembering another way that actually compliments all of our mental acuity and rational thinking.

We are remembering how to live in the flow, to trust ourselves, to trust key people in our lives, to create attuned connections and even actualize our sacred selves in a deeper way.

We are remembering who we are and why we are here. You were made for these times. Let yourself enjoy a bit of expansion.