Healing 2.0


“In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy.” — Albert Szent-Gyorgyi (1960)

While it is not well known, our modern medicine came about from a suppression of many therapies that were once mainstream and have now been relegated to the alternative and complementary realm. At the turn of the 20th century, the passage of the Federal Pure Food and Drugs Act of 1906 and the 1910 publication of the Flexnor report altered the course of healing and medicine with ramifications still experienced in our world today.

These two events standardized modern medical education. It placed them firmly on the basis of scientific principles and documented facts. Science in itself was not the problem, it was the application and discriminate use of science that caused our current imbalance. Abraham Flexnor (the originator of the report) had a strong opposition to homeopathy and naturopathy, which were prolific at the time in the United States. Eventually colleges were forced to eliminate these programs. These systems of healing were declared to have no scientific backing, yet at the same time, many of these systems were not researched to support these declarations. The Flexnor report was funded by Carnegie Foundation and established science as the basis for all medicine and clinical education.

The challenge with this is approach is it follows the philosophy of the reductionist theory of the body — that we are simply a conglomeration of parts, like a machine. In this view, studying these parts individually, and removing or replacing a part if necessary, will promote health. This is the current health and healing system we are experiencing mainly on the planet right now. This system seeks to heal by looking at things separately.

But we are not machines. We are more like a seed. We grow, somewhat mysteriously and magically, from one fertilized egg. This is another way to view the body — from a Vitalist point of view. This view holds that the body is supported by a life force and, if given the nourishment and support it needs, it can find a balance and homeostasis—a state of natural health. Life force has been equated with energy and magnetism, and even deeper and more subtle forces in the subatomic world where everything is connected to every other thing. Pieces can’t be separated out easily. This system seeks to heal by looking at how things work together.

We are Electromagnetic Beings

Of course, we are not just our physical bodies that we see in the mirror. We are beings of incredible complexity that interrelate our feelings/emotions, thoughts, beliefs and experiences into this house (body) that we inhabit all the while we are alive. Our nervous system is both chemical and electrical. Our heart and brain have the largest measurable electromagnetic fields surrounding any part of our body. Science has measured these electromagnetic fields both inside and outside of our body. Everything in our body is designed to move and flow, like electricity in wires; except with us, it is more though our physical system, such as blood through our arteries or lymph through our vessels, or speed of light energy communication through our fibro-viscous fascial system, or even waste through our elimination systems.

Dams in the Flow

If we’re so miraculous, then why do we get illness and disease? The simplest answer to this is that we develop stagnation or blocks in our flow. Our physical body is the most dense of our aspects and it is the last place for stagnation to appear. We actually can work with many of our illnesses far before they become physical discomforts. One of the most profound arenas is to work with is our own emotions, reactions and feelings.

The challenge here is that awareness is required to notice aberrations (disturbances) in our own field. Translation – we have to know when we feel or have agitation or disruption in our system. Agitation and disruption cause a swirling or damming of our natural flow, which leads to stagnation and symptoms, subtly at first; then more and more noticeable if we don’t address them. This in itself is not a problem, it is a natural state of being human. The problem comes when we attempt to suppress rather than encourage the process of this disruption.

Emotionally, it simply means feeling what we’re feeling; knowing that this is a temporary state, like storm moving in. All storms move through — energy is designed by nature to flow. Our current culture often encourages us to ignore and ‘rising above’ the storm. Nose stuffy? Headache? Take this capsule and continue to work! Feeling strong emotions today? No time for that, productivity is calling! Even our consciousness movement calls for us to ignore or transcend our physical and emotional experiences, as if they were problems to move away from, bypass or ascend. Yet if we work with what is happening, work with nature, then we assist the natural processes of healing. In a nutshell, that means cleansing and nourishing.

The challenge is, if we don’t address, give space and support for ourselves—on whatever  level we’re working with—to harmonize the dam in our flow, then we perpetuate the challenge. It often just pops up in another form.

Like-Likes-Like (Your dose of Science)

You guys have heard this idea before in terms of ‘Like Attracts Like.” We are electromagnetic beings, and at the same time we are also aqueous beings. We are made up mostly of watery fluid. In fluid environments, preliminary experiments have shown that like charged elements do not repel one another, they actually attract one another. In between these similar charges are opposite charges, that actually inspire the attraction of the similar charges. This entire dynamic is fueled by a radiant energy source, such as the sun. In life forms, this is how scattered molecules coalesce and form into a condensed mass.

As beings, we are vibrational. Everything in our visible world is vibrational in nature. Every atom, particle and molecule is in constant oscillation, creating a vibration and pulse. Pulses create waves throughout our world and in our body. Everything in our being has a pulse or vibrational frequency.

Within our spheres of human existence, we have both harmonized and flowing parts and stuck places. These stuck places also attract similar vibrations, which provide great opportunities for healing, harmony and flow. These stagnant places are like the opposite charges that inspire healthy attraction of particles, only they attract opportunities to become aware of our imbalances, aberrations, or outdated beliefs. If we hold these experiences in a deeply respectful or reverent space, and give ourself the nourishment we need to create harmony and flow within our pulses and vibrations, whether they are in our emotional, thought/belief systems or our physical systems, then we create deep harmony and balance throughout all of our system.

It’s hard to believe, but most of our being is currently in state of dynamic harmony. It’s really hard to believe if we’re in pain or discomfort. Yet most of who we are does not even reside in our physical form. We simply do not fit in these bodies. When we really know this, when we have a relationship with our consciousness that is not in physical form (our unseen aspects) we instantly create sympathetic resonance, where one vibrating object influences another (vibrating or stationary) and causes it to change its vibratory rate.

This is key. I’ll say it another way. We have the ability to work with sympathetic resonance, which is where one vibrating object influences another, that is either already vibrating at a different rate, or even not vibrating (or stuck.) This sympathetic resonance causes the two vibrations to interact with one another harmoniously.

Allow Space for Healing

So our large task is to come into relationship with our wider, deeper part, which could be called our soul. Our soul does not get lost or go to sleep. Our soul is not damaged or missing pieces. Our soul level is a wider consciousness, a different plane of existence. We do not even need to completely understand everything written in this article. All we really have to do is hold space for ourselves and allow our process to be experienced. Which means we do have to at least imagine a space wider and different than the one we currently know or occupy.

When we come into harmony with our process, it may mean that a physical healing does not occur. It may mean that our healing is in our beliefs or emotional realms. It may be our heart and emotions are coming into harmony with our body. It may mean we are coming into harmony with our mind. Or it may mean that our cells are literally finding a renewed harmony with one another and allowing our vibrational pulses and flows to happen in our tissues and particles. It could also mean we find ways to nourish our cells with food, herbs or minerals. It may mean we nurture our body. It may mean we nourish our emotional heart. It may mean we shift how we think, act or believe.

When we hold space—which means bringing our presence and awareness to an experience, without judgement, and allowing whatever is happening to happen—we let our process of being unfold and allow the elements of our body, mind, heart and spirit to find their inherent resonant harmony. This ‘allowing whatever is happening to happen’ is the hardest part. It does not always mean we take action. Yet, sometimes it does. In particularly charged or intense situations, we may not be able to hold space for our self. It may just be too much to be aware of. In these cases, it can be extremely helpful to work with a healer who has experience in the realm of our challenge.

As we move forward on our paths of healing, remember that there are all types of healing that can occur. We heal ourselves naturally when we cut our finger. In this next level of healing, we will be using our technology to work holistically, integrating part within the whole. We are moving into the era of Healing 2.0, where science and nature work together to create health.