Your Soul, Intuition & Channeling


Greetings and welcome back! It is a joy to watch you move forward on your path. You are taking your power step by step and that is exactly as you have intended. No giant leaps this time. Slow and steady, step by step.

Where is Your Focus?

We wish to bring you some enlightenment around your ideas of channeling this day. Enlightenment here simply means to lighten up! You all are working so diligently and focusing nose to the grindstone so to speak. That does not work so well as a path for connecting to your intuition. So what is this intuition and channeling? They are one in the same, in essence. Let’s back up for a moment and look at this nose to the grindstone attitude. This grit that you despise so (I really don’t love the concept of grit!) is being redefined. It is not that you have less output, tenacity and accomplishment in these higher vibrations, it is quite the contrary. When you are highly focused on accomplishing something—even if it is channeling or connecting to your intuition—you are often focusing down and honing in; narrowing your field like a hawk searching for prey. This is a fantastic approach if you are hunting for one single thing. Although, like a hawk, you are often searching in vast fields of input for one tiny moving object. Do you get the feel of that? You already are on a complicated mission. Adding more drive to that only keeps your field narrow. Grit is one thing. Follow through and perseverance is quite another.

So we suggest, in order to have these wider connections, that you let go of that narrowing and head-down type of focus and begin to broaden your field of view. You are vibrational beings and truly input and information is coming into your system at light speed—Always. As humans, you have chosen the beautifully designed apparatus of focusing mechanisms (bodies) in order to be able to exist in a certain field of awareness. In this field, your primary function is to bring in information and ideas from a broader view in order to create a life that you desire. You have systems in place that orient you toward what your life desire is. You could call it purpose. We choose desire, mainly because we wish to redefine this term in your minds. Desire is not something to eradicate like a weed of your consciousness. Desire is part of your operating system. It is your orienting matrix, through wired physiology, energy and magnetics—and it is wirelessly connected to the outer layers of your matrix and support system. Desire is what brings information and energy to you … depending on your preferences. How would you be able to focus if everything were coming to you at all times? It is incredibly difficult to create in human form with an overabundance of information coming in– you don’t know where to look. And when that happens in the body system in which you are living, you simply become overwhelmed.

Your children, both of yours (mine personally), have a wider focus, as do many that are on your planet now. Just like all the trailblazers, they jumped in before the environment was conducive and supportive to this orientation, to the way they are designed. What this does when focusing machines (bodies) are put on your planet before your planet understands them, is that they demand a new way of orienting to things; especially when you love them and wish them a fulfilling existence. They came to you and many others like you who would see them and help them navigate in a world that doesn’t quite understand. You did the same thing when you jumped in. Everyone is catching up as quickly as they can.

Your Soul is In You and All Around You

All humans in every corner of the planet have a connection to their wider perspective that is not in the form of a human. All of you are connected, as if you had a wireless device inside and around you transmitting and receiving, just like your broadcasting devices, to and from your physical bubble of biology. Those that have a wider focusing lens (highly sensitive beings) actually are able to receive more information. Until they learn how to use their equipment, they can become easily overwhelmed. In these cases, it feels like an incredible amount of noise, light, stimulation and sound into their systems and they don’t know how to process it comfortably.

What is happening continually is you are receiving information in the form of light and vibration into your field of existence. Constantly. You are many layered beings and this information is filtered through your widest receiving edge, your outermost bubble (that is not physical as you know your body, it is more subtle energy.) This widest part of you that is still able to be defined as “You” is what you would call your soul. Your soul is in you and around you. It is not in one tiny place in your chest, your belly or your seat, although those are areas of a higher concentration of translating software (nerve networks), so historically many have perceived these areas to be ‘Seats of the Soul.’ Your soul is in every single cell and the space in between them—and still it doesn’t all fit in your body. You cannot escape it, although you can, and often do, ignore it. Your soul does not mind. Your soul knows fully that each experience you have is adding to the ‘you’ that you are and will all be integrated into this wider aspect of You at some point.


When you envision yourself in this light, can you not see how you would always be feeling and receiving information into your physical body? Yet in order to perceive it, you have to tune into it. Sensitves feel these energies from the day they are born. Actually they feel it before they are born, but in that cocooned environment, floating in liquid light, there is not the same agitation to the body. It simply feels like waves moving in and through. Once a being is out in the atmosphere, the smoothness of receiving often changes.

All of this is what you call intuition; which is simply the sensing of something that is not seen. Mothers feel it with their children, your animals feel and perceive it when an earth weather is coming, children sense it because they are more open. It is available to everyone and it is one of your chief operating systems that has gone into remission— partially do to the upsurge of rational thinking that emerged in your more recent history. Intuition became seen as a form of ‘uncivilized’ being.

Your evolution has taken these pendulum swings and now you’re bringing both of these aspects and gifts into harmony. Not everyone is quite there yet, but many are coming. Many are already here, balancing and holding both the intuitive and the cerebral realms in balance. Your Einstein was a brilliant trailblazer here. The intuitive side of your physical interpreting actually helps grow and develop your rational side. Your science in starting to prove that. You cannot grow them independently for too long, for they were meant to balance and harmonize each other.


Channeling is a form of intuition. You all have unique ways that you are designed to translate your information coming in from your soul. Your soul governs all communication and filters it according to your desires. Your desires are not always conscious thoughts. They are more vibrational longings and questions that are often more pure than your physical thoughts. Your head is where you think all of your creations come from, but that is not true. Your head is somewhat in a lag time space. It operates a little slower than your other body vibrations and therefore it puts out it’s information a little slower than your heart and your body sensing awarenesses. They are designed to work together.

This heart energy is building both inside of many of you and on simultaneously on your planet. It is a wider, broader energetic matrix and the mind has a difficult time letting go just enough to trust it. The mind likes to know exactly how everything is ordered and arranged. That is a large portion of its design. Yet, the challenge is that is not able to understand the broadness of the heart consciousness…yet. So it resists. Step by step, piece by piece, as you experience the world from a more heart centered space, your mind will start to trust the process more. Simply because it feels more complete….more comfortable….more like home.

You’re All On the Same Channel

One place that will seem like a challenge at first is that you are all hearing much of the same information. You are basically all tuned into the same broadcast, so to speak, so of course you are hearing some of the same phrases and concepts. This is by design! In the past, only a few had information available to them. This was because it took quite a few lifetimes to get all the pieces and equipment into place, pieces you accumulated through experience from living lives on earth. Many of you have now accumulated all your chips, enough puzzle pieces, acquired all your experiential equipment and have put your systems together in a way that you can perceive, hold and translate information from these subtle realms more easily. Some of you are now bumping up against old energy from past lives where you had gained some of this knowledge and ability. Some of it, from a human perspective, did not go so smoothly. These are some of the grand fears that may come up as you activate your connections. For most it will simply be brief moments of discomfort. For others who had a more traumatic-as you call it-experience, those intense memory experiences can become triggered as you start to plug in more fully.

Divine Overwhelm

Most of this trauma-like feeling is from a disorienting overwhelment of energy as you transitioned from one vibrational field to another. Many of you who have this sense exited your life through ‘enlightenment’, yet it wasn’t as smooth as you anticipated. It is similar to a ride  on a rollercoaster. Almost everyone boards the train for a thrilling and ecstatic ride, yet some truly become terrified by the intensity it exerts on your body. Both types of rides end, yet some never want to ride a rollercoaster again, while other jump right back in line. It was simply how each processed the experience. Now the energy is such that your systems are remembering what it was like that time you rode the rollercoaster. You are quite different now, yet your residual energy around the experiences have now been activated and you get to finish processing them. You are not going to have the same experience, although at times it feels like you will. There are many on your planet holding the space now for these spontaneous awakenings in your systems. And those of you who work backwards (see Divinely Sensitive) you will have processed this a little differently that most. You are not crazy and you have not missed the party. You are right on time.

How Do You Receive Your Information?

One of the most helpful pieces in this re-awakening is to discern how you receive your information. Do you hear words out loud or in your head? Do you see visions? Do you feel emotions of others or sensations in your body? Do you simply ‘know’ something? Do you have blocks of words or information that seem to just drop into your head? Highly sensitive individuals often have more than one of these aspects present. To begin, it is helpful to discern how the information you receive makes you feel. Does it feel familiar and comforting? Does it bring you more balance and harmony? Those are the places to begin. There is much fear around receiving information that is unseen and unproven. Yet the interesting piece is every one of you on the planet do it. It is a natural ability that every single human was born with. As you bring your way of receiving information into clarity, you are actually creating a more supportive environment for this type of intuitive higher mind to permeate your planet.

As always, it is important to use your own judgement and follow your desire. No one call truly tell you the way, although there are others who can offer guidance and information just like is being done here. It is the time of human empowerment and harmony. Your planet is ripe for it. Plant the seeds in the areas that need it most, first inside of you, then in the world around you. In this way, one heart at a time, you are truly creating the world you have been seeing in your dreams, that until now has been just out of reach.

We are pleased to have spent this time with you here. We are truly in awe of the work you are doing and the spaces you are creating. Know that we are here with you always. Thank you for taking your power and using it responsibly. Enjoy the ride. Espavo.