December Energy Weather – Thresholds

Blurry magical yellow green fairytale forest road.


Welcome to the last month of this extremely unique and transitional year of 2020. As a society, we are on the brink of change. Some of us feel it. Some of us have been feeling it for a long time. We do not shift societies overnight. We do it little by little, from the inside out.

We have crossed the threshold into the tunnel between this year and next. In the next two weeks, you/we may find ourselves awakening to ideas that seem to come from nowhere, yet feel like home. There is nothing to do except be open to the new. It is your birthright. It is a coming home to Who You Are Now.

Juicy and Alive

This past year has been all about reconfiguring. It has been both deeply personal and deeply social. There has been so much letting go. What has or is dissolving is no longer needed. Let it go. Do not try to revive it. Look to the horizon as you walk through this doorway into a new way of being in the world.

Part of your/our dismantling has been of systems that no longer serve who you/we have become. As you gaze back over your past year, what has dissolved that you fantasized about letting go but just could not find a way to do it? What habits were not working for you? What beliefs have shifted in these past 11 months? All of these are indicators of a lifestyle no longer matching your energy. It was time for them to go. For many of us, it was past time.

This next month is a dreaming month. What do you wish to bring into your life? What is Juicy and Alive for you? What exists in technicolor brightness that you cannot pull your heart away from? What feels like home now?

As we move into this next phase of creation, we are literally dreaming our worlds into being. All the maps, all the road signs, all the pre-ordained contacts are now concluded. You are at a threshold of creation. Let yourself float in this dream world a little bit. Do not try to bring anything through yet. Simply dream.

Dreaming is an art. It is a skill. It is a passive reception to forces that are beyond our physical knowing — we do not seek a dream, it simply comes to us. Your/our wider, deeper and visionary self holds a much larger view. Allow this part of you to speak directly to your heart.

Ask yourself — what feels juicy and alive for my life now? Let this be a visionary, daydreamy, heart rendering. Your/our heart has wisdom. It is below the surface of things. If you are afraid to trust your own heart, now is a time to drop in and drop underneath of that uncertainty. You have wisdom inside you. It is there, I promise, underneath the surface. It is time for us to learn how to locate and lean into this wisdom.

Soma and Psyche

Have you been experiencing physical shifts this year? Has your body been morphing? Your body is your vehicle for awakening. Your mind and spirit are deeply connected to your body. As you shift and morph in your habits and beliefs, your body is undergoing deep shifts as well. Parts are leaving. Parts are coming alive. If you’ve been in more pain this year, expect that to be diminishing in the next few months. You body is your vehicle for transformation. Your cells are actually leading the way.

Soma is a term that means both of the body (Greek) and an intoxicating drink (Sanskrit from the Rig Veda.) Psyche originally referred to the spirit or soul of a human (Greek). Both of these terms have lost some of their esoteric origins as humans have become less inclined to see beyond the material plane.

Soma and psyche are inextricably linked. They are the body/mind. Your body is a sacred space. Your spirit inhabits your body. Your spirit is also more than your body. You are both physical and non-physical.

This past year has been a reckoning for the human psyche. This is trickling down into soma. Your/our body is shifting on the deepest of layers. This is also trickling out into our psyche.

The piece to remember about Soma and Psyche is that they are more than meets the eye. You are a miraculous creation of both physical nature and spirit. There is no other being in existence that could be You. This period of time between one world and another, this threshold is also a coming home to your body as an expression of your spirit.

How can you love this body and spirit you experience on a daily basis? How can you drink in the miracle that is the creation of You? This will be most important in the next few months. You/we will find ways to love what you/we consider shameful and unlovable in us. It will feel like magic. It will feel juicy and alive. This is also our birthright.

Wake Up By Waking Down

Your body is your vehicle for awakening. For a long, long time humans have been trying to escape from the cycle of their body experiences. The collective energy of society has taught you/us that our body is flawed and something to transcend.  We tell you, your body is sacred. Your body is spirit. Your flesh is not bad, dark, less than, worth-less, a punishment or an aberration. It is THE vehicle for life on planet earth. It is your vehicle of transformation.

Life on planet earth is an evolutionary experience. There are cycles of experience and growth, which lead to wisdom. This is just as an individual life experiences.

You/we are completing a huge evolutionary cycle. We are re-awakening divine feminine energy within the human experience. For millennia it has been surpressed while humanity grew its rational and cognitive experience; while humanity developed and grew it’s rational, linear thinking brain.

During this period, the feminine was suppressed. Deeply.

During this period, which reached a pinnacle point during the Enlightenment period, the experience of nature, the human body, the feminine, natural cycles and rhythms were all downgraded, degraded, and attempted to be ‘conquered.’ We see it in nature based societies, races and gender. The rational mind view of disconnecting from and dominating nature and body experiences became very popular. Humankind began to value thinking and mental activity over feeling and sensory experiences.

This movement shifted the human experience away from body-based interconnections, rhythms and cycles with other humans, animals, plant life and all of nature. This shift removed the human position from one within the inter-dependent web of planet earth life to one that began to dominate the planet. All of this movement of the collective psyche of human experience disconnected us from our planet and from one another.

The Divine Feminine energy is inherently connective and cooperative. It arises through our bodies — through both males and females.

The great awakening of planet earth is not a point to leave your body. It is an opportunity to deeply inhabit the inner spaces of your physical. From here, from this deep inhabiting, we heal the wounds of our violent ancestors and experiences. In here we claim our divinity and sacred place within the web of existence. This is not a mind or story experience. This is a somatic and sensory re-awakening.

We quite possibly feel the shadow of what is stored in our body/mind. Why would you/we even go in there? Why not skip the pain of that altogether and keep it a head game? A disconnected mind and story experience? That way we do not have to feel this pain that resides in our collective psyches and in our bodies.

Let’s be clear. There will be many who choose to depart the planet and/or not work with the body experience consciously in this way.

But many of us will. We will be excavating ancestral trauma. We will be processing collective trauma.

Why on earth would we do that?

Because we felt able to the mission. We are healers, teachers, artists, visionaries, sensitives and creatives. We knew how to and wanted to help balance and harmonize this energy.

Each of us has our reasons, which may not even be known to us yet. And here we are. Excavating. And finding the beauty and light that is underneath the stuck places of pain and dysfunction. It is a process of reclaiming our bodies and our experiences. We are finding ways to integrate these large swaths of disconnect, pain and trauma. We are integrating ourselves back into Wholeness. Because it is time.

This is not a journey of the individual on the solo path. This is the next phase of the collective human journey. This healing, integration and harmonizing of human lives is a collective and cooperative experience. It is individual, yes, but we do not do it alone. Embodying our lives takes a cooperative and supportive effort. It takes deep care and nurturing. It takes deep listening. It takes tremendous courage to witness the pain of trauma, suppression and millennia of dominance and violence.

The qualities needed for this next phase of our individual and collective journeys are those of the Divine Feminine. We are learning to once again trust this part of ourselves. We are all learning. Together. Holding hands, connected, one heart at a time. It is a journey for the ages.

It is a great honor to help you remember Who You Are.

Truly, you were made for these times.

These reports are offered to assist us with the shift currently happening in our world. They are insights into the energies present—both cosmic and earth energies—that have the most impact on our individual systems and collective communities from my vantage point. They are written in conjunction with my guidance team (you have inner wisdom and a team guiding you as well!) I hope these reports offer you insight, refuge and a sense of agency as you move forward on your journey. If you share, please include Opening Spaces as the source.