Wisdom Healing

Join me to activate your innate ability to increase healing through body, mind, emotions and energy for embodied and integrated results.

Learn More

Is Wisdom Healing for you?

This 4 part workshop invites you to activate and integrate physical, emotional, thought and energy healing potentials to expand into new ways of living and relating.

  • Does chronic pain, limited movement, or auto-immunine challenges keep you from what you love?
  • Are anxiety, depression, wounds or trauma keeping you from living life fully? 
  • Have you tried different healing approaches, but you’re still having challenges?
  • Do you want more energy, confidence and clarity?
  • Are you ready to own your own innate power of healing?


Nervous System

Our nervous system, immune system, endocrine system and emotions are all interconnected. 


Emotions and beliefs are shaped by our environment and our states of nervous and immune systems

Immune System

Our issues become locked in our tissues and influence organ systems through biochemistry

Somatic Practices

Unlock and repair the healing potential of our stuck energy, wounds, and trauma through felt sense experiences 

Subtle Energy

The foundational system for our physical body that assists our physical systems in optimum functioning

Movement Medicine

Movement is life. Our sensory-motor nervous system governs our movement and vital organ functioning

Join me for 4 LIVE Zoom workshop meetings

Dates: 8/29, 9/5, 9/12, 9/19

Time: 6-7:30 pm PT

What You Get

  • 4 weeks of LIVE 90 minute classes (all recorded)

  • Nervous System Education

  • Primal Movement Practices

  • Somatic Practices (for illness, wounds & trauma)

  • Boundary Exercises

  • Subtle Energy & Transgenerational Practices

  • Inner Child & Consciousness Work

  • Journaling Practices
  • Wise Elder Activation
  • A More Regulated and Empowered Nervous System

Activate Your Inner Wisdom!

Register for Wisdom Healing

Connect with me

Integrate your body, mind, heart and energy.



Business Hours

Monday/Friday (Virtual)
10am to 6pm
Saturday (In Person)
10am to 5pm