September Energy Weather Report – Building a New World

These reports are offered to assist us with the shift currently happening in our world. They are insights into the energies present—both cosmic and earth energies—that have the most impact on our individual systems and collective communities from my vantage point. They are written in conjunction with my guidance team (you have inner wisdom and a team guiding you as well!) I hope these reports offer you insight, refuge and a sense of agency as you move forward on your journey.

Building a New World

Here we are again, at the end of another month. At the same time, it’s the beginning of a new one. It is always like this, as one thing ends, another begins. This next month is going to have more intense energy. You can actually help with this by calming and settling your own systems and by finding the highest path to work with this energy. Energy doesn’t die. It also can’t be created. But it can be harnessed. It can also be released or discharged. The thing to remember about energy is that it’s true nature is to move.

Let’s work with that for a moment. Energy is designed to move. At some point, energy needs to move. We watched the Black Panther movie the other night in honor of the passing of the illustrious Chadwick Boseman who embodied T’Challa, the Black Panther, King of Wakanda.

In this movie, the land of Wakanda has futuristic technologies and the powerful resource of the fictional metal vibranium, which is found nowhere else on the planet. Vibranium has the unique ability to absorb, store and release large amounts of energy.

T’Challa’s little sister, Shuri, a visionary thinker, is in charge of Wakanda’s technological advances. She convinces T’Challa to adopt an updated Black Panther suit which uses the inherent qualities of vibranium to absorb, store and release energy. Each time the suit is struck, the suit gathers energy. When the time is right, Black Panther can release that charged and stored energy, with huge impacts, as needed.

The energy gathered, grew until ready, and then was released back into the world.

This is how creation works. This is how energy moves into creation. Energy doesn’t have to move with a bang, but if it’s held back, restrained, and denied of it’s true nature, at some point, it will break out of its immobilization or stuckness.

Clearing Your Fields

Last month we talked both about technological advances, healing crisis, and being at a crossroads, among other things. (You can view the August Report here.) While we do not have the technological advances of Wakanda (yet) for healing and creating society harmony, we are moving forward faster than we realize. It all seems too slow, too chaotic, and too irreparable.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Albert Einstein 

 We each have a choice to make—do we stay and watch the old world burn, or do we focus on creating what’s next? This does not mean that we ignore what is happening around us. It simply means that we do what we can, each of us in our own space, to fill this void of change, and lay a foundation for what is emerging. The energy is here.

As our consciousness shifts to truly knowing that we are all inextricably connected, we have to choose what to hold onto and what to let go. We cannot hold onto the old ways and create the new at the same time. Yet the old ways have been magnetically and energetically sealed into human existence for a long, long time.

The magnetic fields of the old ways are strong. We realize this whenever we are shifting our habits. We have all been at the precipice where we have put in time, focus, effort, energy and desire to shift a long held way of being, only to see it pop up out of nowhere, even with all of our efforts. This is the strength of magnetics. We have created very strong magnetic and energetic currents, simply by the repetition of actions, thoughts and beliefs—both individually in this life and collectively over millennia. We are breaking out of them in ways we never imagined.

Our hearts produce the strongest magnetic fields in our physical bodies. This is where the strength to shift powerful fields comes from. It does not come from our brains or our rational, strategic mind. Our thoughts, brains and strategic minds are powerful focusers, but they are not where greatest magnetic field shifts come from. The most powerful fields come from the heart field.

The heart field is a feeling field. Yet many of us, especially sensitives, have not been able to work with this field without becoming overwhelmed by the sheer force of the energy felt through this field. This feeling field is not meant to work alone. All of our body fields are designed to work in harmony and cooperation with each other. Micro/Macro—just as humans are inextricably connected and work for highest outcomes when in harmony—so do our individual body fields.

Part of any healing crisis we are experiencing is in service of harmonizing our fields through the flow and balance of our own energy. This means any old programs and patterns we have adopted—for whatever reason—are now in the processes of deep release if they’re not aligned with where we are growing. We absorbed, stored and now are releasing large amounts of energy, both from our individual lives, but also energy accumulated and passed down over generations, through genetics and behavior.

When energy is held back, it accumulates and grows in intensity unless it is regularly discharged. Many of us have traumas that have had energy accumulating on top of and building up over time for just the right moment to release it. Now is that time.

Shifts in Consciousness

Have you looked back over this year and noticed how your thinking, perceiving and understanding of how the world operates has changed? Have you noticed how you cannot un-see and un-know what you now see and know? These ways of being and society operations were always right here, but now it has become part of your consciousness.  Secrets are coming to light. Inequities are becoming obvious to those who had little or no idea.

Humanity is shifting at a very fast pace. Yes, I know it is not fast enough for many of us. Too many people are being harmed. Too many people are refusing to acknowledge manipulations, inequities, money and power hoarding. We cannot change others. What we can do is grow and create from our new vantage points.

We humans are beginning to see with the eyes of the heart. This is a feeling place, and in order to become adept at this, it will take practice. We will become overwhelmed. We will be confused. We will make mistakes. We are not used to honoring this receptivity and connection as a society. In the old world, this receptivity and interconnectedness was considered weak and a liability. Yet, it is actually the greatest strength of human beings.

Seeing, feeling and living through the eyes of our heart is actually our human superpower.

Our hearts are where we hear our wider consciousness and guidance. Our wider consciousness is the connection we have to our Unnamable Source, the Absolute, Universal Consciousness, Greater Power, Source or whatever you choose to call it. It is what many call God. This Source simply Is. The energy from this Source can be expressed in many ways.

When we come to know, in our magnetic and powerful hearts, that we are inextricably connected to everything else in existence, we have shifted our state of consciousness. When we experience this state of connective and receptive consciousness again and again, we begin to adapt these shifts into the many magnetic field patterns in our bodies. We literally create new fields. Old energy of separation and fear cannot exist in these fields as they strengthen and ground into new patterns and systems.

When we experience these states over and over, there comes a point where these patterns become the new flow and all systems of our bodies relate from this new ground. When this happens, we have reached critical mass and we now experience a new stage of consciousness. Our perspective shifts and actually widens. This becomes our new normal and our new way of operating in the world. It takes some time, but once we reach critical mass, this is our new way of being. These are the shifts in consciousness that create a new world.

Our Changing Nervous System

Nervous systems are the first systems to evolve as species change. Humans are now consciously evolving their nervous systems in large numbers. In the old world, our fight, flight and freeze part of our nervous system (our survival systems) have largely been in charge of our human behaviors. Trauma gets stuck in nervous systems. Energy has often overwhelmed nervous systems.

Existing in dominating, punishing and subjugating societies has left deep scars in human beings. Although there have been a few beings here and there that found, existed and taught from evolved consciousness, we have mainly existed in states of fear for millennia. This is all lodged and recorded in our nervous systems. It is generational. No matter which side of this experience we existed in (dominator or oppressed) our systems were deeply impacted. And this was passed down from generation to generation until it landed in us, literally as energy. Now everything has the possibility to change.

As we learn ways to discharge this accumulated energy, we make room for what is underneath our fight, flight and freeze responses. As we learn to settle our nervous systems, we learn to feel calm and states of ease. These states of calm are our doorway into our wider experiences of consciousness. The more we access states of settled calm, the more we settle into ourselves, and the more our system attunes to this state. The more we attune to calm states, the more we experience the stillness and potent Source of All that Is literally within our bodies. Learning to calm, settle and ultimately surrender to this space is our doorway into receptivity and flow.

The old world is attempting to attune us to more fear and outrage. This is the fuel of the old world. The new world is attuned to the Source underneath all the noise. As we learn to work with our own nervous systems and manage energy in ways that nourish our systems instead of overwhelming them, we have opportunities to create from new states and stages of consciousness that haven’t been on this planet for a very long time.

It truly all does come down to Fear or Love. They are literally magnetics and energetic pathways and states of consciousness. We are learning to choose, in each moment, the awareness of what we are experiencing, how we wish to hold the energy that is in our own magnetic fields, and what to use as our Source and center to hold these experiences. The old way has fear and lack as a center. The new way has love and connection as its source. We get to choose in each moment. It takes practice.

Sensitive, creatives and visionaries, you were made for these times.