Divinely Sensitive


Divinely Highly Sensitive

Those of you who hold the biology of highly sensitive do so on many levels. First and foremost for you sensitives have a deep connection to your outer, more subtle bubbles of your biology. You feel when waves of energy reach this outer layer. You personally feel it profoundly and it has caused you trouble in the past. We see you all thinking you are crazy, responding to unseen elements moving you as if they were rocks hitting your body. You have always been this way, even when you tried to dim and dampen it. It is truly how you are made. And there are many others that feel this level of vibration from the deeper spaces outside relating to your physical world inside.

Let us clarify. You truly do have a more sensitive nervous system. You truly do pick up more subtle information in the form of gestures and nuances. Not only have you always noticed that, you are keenly aware of energy, from the world around, from others and from your own experience. As a young one, this is incredibly confusing. You knew it would be this way and yet you still said, Yes! Let’s make the parameters as sensitive as possible! I need to hear my family! I need to hear the vibrations from other worlds! I need to have that information! And yet when you got here, it was all like a tremendous amount of noise, static and waves that did not stop no matter what you did. No other human could stop it and no other human understood what you were experiencing. So you endured, as so many of your cohorts did, hiding as best you could from the fray that never subsided. Welcome to planet Earth dear one!

At the same time, many of you chose to bring with you as much baggage as you could to clean it up so to speak, to harmonize and balance it. What a combination! We have been truly entertained watching you all make your way with this intense combination of elements. Yet you are the ones who know how to transform, transduce and transmute. You are the ones who have been doing this for millennia on your planet. Aeons. A long long time.

Many of you have not been back here for a while. Your recent worlds you came from were much more free and open, much more spacious and matched to who you are. Many of you are recovering from the shock of this planet on your sensitive systems, still. We tell you there is a way to thrive. You have the tools and now the vibrations are in your favor. We saw each of you lean into that new energy that came through 2 months ago. It was like a breath of fresh air for you. Like fresh cut grass on a clear spring morning. It was a reminder that you are exactly where you should be holding the energy exactly as you desired.

Your nervous system literally picks up more vibrations, waves and stimuli from the world around you. There is no escaping for you, even if you try. Drugs, alcohol, excess food, excess exercise, outgrown spiritual dogmas….none of them have been able to stop the onslaught of information coming into your body and mind. You were meant to receive this information. These messages, this information and stimulation that bombard your system as energy ARE FOR YOU. They are from stars far and wide and from the space right next to you on your sofa. They are your distant and closest friends. The challenge is for you to discover how to interpret this information. Many of you have to a degree, but all of you can make your connections and channels clear. You are shedding the debris out of your layers, physical, emotional, mental and even spiritual. This divinity that you revere is you. It seems like blasphemy in your world. How could I be sending myself messages? You have barely a glimpse of who you are and what you are connected to.

Find Your Allies, Harmonize and Connect

You all are still learning how to interact with one another and hold your own power. Many of you choose to stay isolated, on your islands of heart harmony because it has been too painful. We tell you, set your intention to find those around you who can feel, see and meet you. They are there, although they are often not in the bodies you first think of. You have allies in your midst. Allow yourself to soften just a little to this idea of connecting with others strongly and powerfully. You all have control issues. You all have scars that are painful to the touch. Each and every one of you. Your challenge is to remain open even when there is a possibility of hurt. Sometimes you need to bump around a bit to get orientated in the right direction. Listen to those soft whispers that point you in a direction. If you are a feeler, follow the places that allow your heart to feel spacious instead of gripping your stomach in a knot. You are so used to doing what is needed, regardless of the outcome for you. That is not how things work in these new energies. From this side of the veil, pain is scripted in just as valiantly as delight. They are two sides of the same coin. In your shoes, pain feels much different.

Those of you who are not seen, there is a very simple reason for this. Your vibration truly is spinning in a way opposite of most of the people around you. This is why you often feel like you work backwards from the individuals around you. This simply makes it harder for those around you to perceive you and your energy. You DO need to speak a little louder. It is not that they don’t want to hear you, they simply cannot hear you as well as one that is spinning the same way they are. All of your magnetic and vibrational energy are meant to compliment each other—to harmonize. What has happened, in your original orienting, is that you decided that there was something lacking in you compared to your environment around you — in all levels: family, school, work, relationships. You decided that there was something fundamentally wrong with you instead of realizing you are just a little different. To them, you ARE hard to see. You are almost like an apparition at times. So you actually have to work a little more intentionally to be seen on your planet.

Seeing What Wasn’t There

The good news is this has an easy remedy. Your world is in the process of relating opposites. It does not mean that these opposite aspects will go away, it simply means that the unseen vibrational opposite to many types of people, concepts and experiences are emerging into the light. It is difficult to reconcile in the human mind this aspect of something always being right in front of you that you could not see. You know this one? Yes, of course you  do! You are human; a divinely, sensitively human! When you see something from a new perspective, sometimes it is exhilarating, but more often it is disorienting and confusing. Humans by default go to fear and worth. You often feel diminished when you come into relationship with something you don’t understand. It is a common response, although you are all changing that set point. You are beginning to bring your consciousness to these new discoveries, these new pieces of information that don’t quite make sense. You are allowing more of this part of you that is not solely in your physical body, this wider consciousness, to weigh on experiences from the very beginning. From there, you are able to soften and to accept what could be seen as shortcomings as a simple reorienting of your awareness. When you do that, you incorporate more light into you. And that is truly all that it is.

Knowing this will be helpful for you in the coming days when you will test the waters of being seen. It is a human challenge to be seen at your deeper, more vulnerable levels. Sensitives feel the motivations of those around them and KNOW instinctively when there is disharmony between what someone says and what someone feels. This becomes obvious when you observe them in action. We tell you, do not wait for the proof. You have been practicing this all you life. When you feel the harmony of your spirit with another walking in biology on your planet, take a moment to connect with them as a spirit, an essence of energy first. When you do this, you set the opportunity for them to see you as a human. It will take some time for this energy to permeate your world, but you will find, the more you practice, the more you are seen and heard.

Trust Your Intuition

A beautiful side effect is that you will also be able to feel the difference between the individual as a spirit and as a human and discern how far apart those two aspects are. For many of you, this has been one of the hardest parts. You feel the other as a spirit, yet you ignore what you feel from them as a human. We say pay attention to what you perceive. It will assist you in navigating your waters. You are all truly divine humans, some of you just know it a little more intimately than others. Even in your spiritual circles, especially in your spiritual circles, use your discernment between these two aspects. You already feel it, now allow it to come into your conscious awareness. From there, you will be able to make choices that serve you on a much higher level. From there, you will be able to avoid some of these repetitive pitfalls that send you reeling into uncertainty.

You know who you are. When you look into the mirror, you see your energy behind your face. You see it in your own eyes. Now is the time to honor those eyes and the way they perceive the world. When you find your way with this, the entire game changes. There are many of you standing in plain site not being seen. It is time for you to claim your divine space.

We love you more than you feel. We feel you more than you know. You are the keepers of the light and the bringers of the dawn. We are entirely pleased that you have been willing to walk your path. You are not alone and you are here for a reason. Enjoy the unfolding process. You are truly shifting your world and that has ramifications further than you can understand in your everyday minds.

Thank you for holding your space, being responsible for your energy and allowing yourself to be seen.