For the Love of Your Mother


Your Earth Connection

This connection to your mother, as you have heard many times is selected. All humans have the opportunity to choose your line into form. The more proficient you become, the less it matters who you choose. And we tell you, this mother that you all are standing on, she is a grand entity that is both one with and supporter of you. For she can exist with out you, but you, at this moment as human beings, cannot exist without her. She is intricately linked into your physiology and she feels what you feel. It is this way with all the human activity on your planet. You all have a line into this beautiful shifting earth. These lines are symbiotic; they go both ways.

Many of you have a contract to assist the earth in taking off pressure. That is what we had guided you through in your earthquake communication. And he is giving you the opportunity to hone your focus. You can do it. You are nervous and when you get nervous and embarrassed, you disconnect and lose your wider view. (I had gotten distracted and wanted to give up here.) So good on you for continuing even when you wish to quit. Yes, change your view if you must, but continue your journey.

Sensitive ‘Feelers’

These connections are with the earth are largely through the ‘feelers’, the sensitive ones that feel through their body. Often these shifts of aches and pains, they are not yours alone, as you well know, but are places where you have connected into the pain of another. Part of this occurs because you have the history, the experience and understanding of what this experience feels like, so your body naturally picks it up on its radar. Sometimes it is because you have residue of these experiences still stuck in your craw so to speak. They are literally stuck in your field, your torus—your matrix of magnetic energetics. Whatever the origin, when you can stay out of judgment and guilt, those two places where sensitives move into fairly fast, and then you are able to work with these energies fairly quickly.

You have all been feeling deep aches in your body these past two months. Some of you feel it as a fleeting ghost and some of you have a heavier “in your bones “ type of depth to the energetics. You have all set this up so it is diffused, not one but many to carry and transform the energy. Transduce for some of it, transform for some, and some of the energy is transmuted. The differences are slight to your minds, but quite different energetically. Transduce is manner most of you feelers are aligned to do. Energy comes in one way, you feel it, experience it, and shift it to a completely higher vibration. If it were measurable in your world, you would say you upped the voltage. It is not actually that because although sometimes it is a shifting of charge, it is always moving it to a different octave of vibration. As this occurs, the energy increases in amplitude. We know you start to get concerned with these terms. Do not worry. We will not throw you under the bus.

Transform is keeping the energy relatively the same, but shifting its form. It is a shift in perception, a shifting in shape, and that alone can shift so much. This is part of changing the story. Adjusting your narrative. Looking at things from one perspective, then seeing it from another perspective from the same level of energy. Transmute is where you shift the magnetics of an experience in the way that makes the form unrecognizable. It may raise the vibration slightly, but in the end, it is more about re-arranging the molecules to create something new from the pieces that were there.

Conscious Creators, Conscious Shifters

You all have the ability – every single one of you – but only some, at the moment, have the conscious understanding that you can create from thin air. Sometimes you add or subtract from these original components to make something new, as if you were cooking a meal but changed the ingredients just slightly so it tasted just a little different, but it is still the same meal. Other times you start with one energy, one thing and you change it; transduce it, to another creation entirely – chemically, energetically, vibrationally. Many lightworkers have signed on to shift energy entirely like this – as if they were swallowing fire and producing water from it.

You sensitive feelers, you have deep connections with the earth to help transduce this energy within her system. Just as you all have carried energy for your biological families, you all are assisting the earth, as she assists you, on shifting the vibrational set point of these charges. As each of you feel the pain, tension and discomfort in your own bodies, and find ways to allow them to shift, you literally are assisting the pressure within the earth herself.

Ease Your Pain

We did this with you previously, and we wish to do it again for clarity. There are many places in your body that are calling out in pain. Pain is always a signal to you. Ignoring it or trying to shut it off defeats the purpose of this beautifully evolved system. Take a moment now, and find a place in your body. We know there is more than one. This day, we ask you to find the epicenter. The one pain place today that is the most highlighted hotspot. Bring your awareness right into the center of this hotspot. For some of you it may feel cool, like it’s empty or numb. There is one spot that will pull your attention. Let your attention rest right in the center of this area. As you bring your attention there, as if you had made yourself small and could be right in the middle of it, begin to expand your breath. As your breath expands, so does the space in your mind. As your breath expands, so do your possibilities.

Let this spot show you how big it is, right in this first area. It will begin to feel like a ball or circles, as if there were waves or sonar coming from this area. Notice how far the ripples expand from the epicenter. As the ripples show themselves to you, begin to notice the other area, the one closest that begins to vibrate in the same way, which becomes harmonized or perhaps synchronized with this epicenter. Now find the third spot that is related to these first two areas, as if your body were creating a triangle of related epicenters. They can be all on the same layer of your body, or they can be at different layers – for example, one can be in the outer shoulder area, one can be a spot on the jaw, and a third can be deep within your chest cavity. Do not try to make sense of them, just let them connect and create a triangle. Keep your breath wide and deep. As you do, you will start to notice an inner movement. It is subtle— not grand in any way. As if invisible lines connected these three areas, let this triangle move, morph and shift, as it will. Let it unwind and rotate, waving and adjusting in its own way. You may notice farther away areas feeling the shift and responding – notice them, then move your attention back to the first area, your triangle and let it continue its movement for as long as it desires. Keep your breath full and continue to soften your eyes as you stay with your experience. You may have fleeting places of uncomfortableness, when that happens, let your breath widen to hold this experience as well.

You may feel a lot of movement. Let it continue until this energy has had its opportunity to finish its path. This is what you call processing. It is the ability for the entire process and path of energy to move through and expend its charge before it moves on. Tissue, bones and fluids of the body can get stuck fairly easily. As you free your own areas, you also create room for the earth to free her areas of tension and pain. Energy by nature needs to move and when it doesn’t, it simply builds up. Each time you feelers find ways to free the pain and tension in your body, you are assisting the earth. When you do it consciously, with awareness, you magnify the experience. Simply allowing energy to move through, as if it were energy weather, you create a more enlivened, spacious, expansive existence. As you go, the earth goes as well.

There may be tears, laughter, frustration or something greater felt with these types of experiences. The challenge is to let that move through as well. Knowing that this is only weather and it must move through to complete its cycle-this will help. You will not be stuck here forever. You will only be stuck here for as long as you let the energy be stuck. All pain is a signal. It can stay very personal and individual in your mind, but in reality, it is not a solitary event.

As You Go, So Goes the Earth

As you move through your own pain, you free not only yourself, but also your family and your supporting biology. The earth is alive and moving. She is shifting and has been taking on the energy from above and transmuting it within for a very long time. Now the entire game is changing. You all are transducing. You all are shifting to another harmonic layer. There are pieces of your game that are just not able to survive in this layer of vibration. It is that simple. You cannot take your baggage with you. You must leave it behind if you wish to travel to these next realms. You wish to travel light – not even with a carry-on. For truly, all you need is within you.

We know how that sounds to you. You need much more, you say. And we say you are creators. You have changed the matrix and the game many, many times and again. Now it is just one more time. No pressure. It is all going to work out just fine—miraculously in fact! As you each move into your areas of proficiency, your areas of adeptness, you will find how natural this all will unfold. You have been waiting, and this is what you have been waiting for, the moment to bring us all, to usher us all into the next layer of evolution. It is wider than you imagined from your side and yes, and you are completely up to the task.

We love you beyond measure. We are pleased you took this journey with us today. Be well in your bodies. Treat them well, as each other. You were meant to play the game together. We are excited to see your connections as you begin to ease your pain. Your limits are expanding. Lighten your load, ease your burdens and enjoy the love of your mother. For this, we wish to you this day, and all the days. Thank you for taking your power.