HEAL Monthly Membership

Teachings and practices to help you heal and grow into embodied wholeness

Learn More

Is HEAL for you?

HEAL is a heart centered space to heal, evolve and grow into embodied wholeness

  • Do you have physical pain, chronic pain, and limited movement ability – especially as you age?
  • Are anxiety, depression, injuries, wounds or trauma keeping you from living life fully? 
  • Have you tried to heal through multiple avenues, but they didn’t solve your challenge?
  • Do you want more energy, confidence, clarity and possibility?
  • Do you desire relationships that honor your whole self?


Somatic Practice

Unlock and repair the healing potential of our stuck energy, wounds, and trauma through felt sense experiences 

Herbal Medicine

Works with our biochemistry, both cleansing and nourishing on a cellular level for optimum functioning into maturity

Living Yoga

Posture (asana) practice that assists our physical body function and structure to live more vital and balanced lives

Subtle Energy

The foundational system for our physical body that assists our physical systems in optimum functioning

Go Slow

Gentle and slow, this moment andrest class resets your nervous system through various yoga and somatic movement practices

Movement Medicine

Movement for life. Our sensory-motor nervous system governs our movement and vital organ functioning

Each Month You Get

  • Somatic (inner felt sense) Practices for awareness and healing
  • Herbal Education for healing and health
  • Subtle Energy & Guided practices for healing & growth
  • Embodied Awakening concepts for spiritual growth
  • Deep rest practices for healing, growth and self care
  • Private HEAL Portal Podcast

Start your HEAL Journey

Join H.E.A.L. Monthly Membership

Connect with me

Integrate your body, mind, heart and energy.



Business Hours

Monday/Friday (Virtual)
10am to 6pm
Saturday (In Person)
10am to 5pm