2020. Are you ready? It doesn’t really matter if we’re ready, does it? We’re going. The word in the cosmos is this year is a big shift. And January starts us off with no messing around. The question is, are you ready to consciously shift? As much as you’re able? You probably know this already, but it doesn’t always matter if we’re ready for shift. Life shapes us regardless. Yet when we add awareness and our conscious involvement, potent things happen.
State and Stage Shifts
At this beginning of the year, my questions to you are: How are things feeling? How are your bodies? How’s your world feeling? The thing I know right now is that 2020 is a year of integration of ourselves—body, mind, heart emotions, and yes, spirit.
I don’t want to assume, but most likely you have been working on yourself for years, slowly shifting one thing then another in really beautiful ways. These would be evolutionary shifts of states of Being (with a capital B); moments of aha’s, habit shifting, widening perspectives.
When we get enough of these experiences, then our system is prepared for a stage shift. This is an inherent shift in our consciousness from one stage of Being to another. Each time we shift, we need to find our new, trustable ground.
These state and stage shifts have been happening developmentally since we were born. Think of crawling to walking. Small proficiency here, master a skill there, then Boom! Everything comes together and we’re walking. We have a new relationship to the world, and our relation to trustable ground has shifted.
We often feel these stage shifts coming for us. It’s that feeling where we know something is going to change, we feel something on the fringes, but we’re not exactly sure what it is.
Ok, so I actually have another question for you. If I were to create an online portal of classes, offerings and teachings, what would you most like to see/experience from that? What do you need in your life related to your growth and evolution? Lay it on me. Anything. As J.K. Rowling once said, “I’m not taking dictation.” And I’m not either. But I do want to know what you feel you need. I can start putting content out, of course, but it feels so much better to be of service to what people are needing or wanting.
How Can I Be of Service?
Well, that turned out to be a lot of questions. I’d love to hear your answers. I’m going to expand my offerings this year. It is simply time. My life’s work is to be of service. I’ve known that since I was a small child. The avenue of expression has changed over the years, but the mission has stayed the same.
I feel my calling amping up, so I’m following, I’m listening and stepping up. You know how it goes when you have a calling? I’ve learned to listen to it. And answer as best I’m able.
This next year, I wish for you a year of wholeness, calm and centered living. I know that’s a big wish, especially with the chaos that’s growing and swirling around the globe. We have to take care of one another. At the same time, do not forget your inner world. This world truly is the keystone. It informs and guides us in our outer world.
Please let me know what you’re seeking, desiring, needing or missing for your growth. If you’re unsure, take a moment and feel into your body, mind, and heart connections. Ask yourself, and listen to what answers. This is your intuition. Let me know what’s going on by sending me a note here.
As always, I’m sending my best to you. I’m excited to be here with you. This year is a game changer. You’ve got this.
As our beloved Ram Dass famously said, “We’re all just walking one another home.” There’s no better time to practice this than right now. If you need guidance, healing work or help expanding into who you are, send me a note here and we’ll find ways to move you forward.
With Much Love,