We’ve been doing a deep dive into consciousness and shadow work over here. One practice I’ve been doing in relationship to this is a writing down resentments and regrets. To be clear, I write about many other things in addition, but these resentments and regrets have become a part of my inner contemplations.
Resentments and regrets are related to our shadow parts. 👤
Integrating our shadow parts is necessary for individuation and wholeness. This integration is necessary to hold more of our unique expression of self, light and vibration.
Shadow pieces are the parts of us that what we resist, are uncomfortable and what we push away. They are also what enrage us, often are projected onto others, things about ourselves we want to hide, damage we experience but never heal, desires we cannot satisfy, blindspots that keep repeating. The shadow’s ultimate ramifications reach back into our animal ancestors.
👉 C.G. Yung described shadow simply as “the thing the person has no wish to be.” 👈
As we look around the US and other parts of the world, what we are seeing is the shadow run amok. Shadow natures have always been here, they’re simply coming out of the shadows lands and are on full display.
We are evolving dear friends, and it is messy and uncertain. Humans do not do well with uncertainty and change — unless we have a secure anchor. ⚓️
Part of our nature as human beings is to know ourselves. In fact, some say this is the longing at the very foundation of who we are as conscious beings. Humans have a unique place in our natural world in that we are able to reflect on ourselves. This inner reflection, often called inner work, creates a knowing of our self – a unique direct experience of who we are at our deepest levels.
It takes courage to reflect on one’s nature. When we start self reflecting, we mostly have access to our persona – what we think of ourselves and what others think of us. Pretty quickly into this exploration we’ll bump up into woundings and damage we’ve experienced. We can either explore these deeper, or we can start projecting this pain out onto the world.
When we project outward, we’re actually looking for inner safety, but we don’t know how to find or create it.
Now, this world is brutal and quite unsafe in many accounts. And, at the same time, most of us reading this are in relative safety right now, or we wouldn’t be able to read this.
Our human physiology does register the fear in the news and in the world even without us turning our eyes to it. It’s quite a conundrum, it’s it?
We are vibrational beings at our core. Science is proving this, and in many places has already shown that we are energy before we are physical beings. Frederico Faggin is one human that is working on a theory of consciousness. He’s a physicist who developed the first CPU, touchpad and worked on the first neural nets with the hope of creating conscious AI.
✨Then he had a direct awakening experience – he experienced himself as the energy of pure, unconditional love. ✨
He then spent 30 years trying to understand what he experienced. Now he’s working on a theory that consciousness creates matter — which is exactly what the ancients have taught (and the foundation I have worked with for over 30 years in my practice.) You can listen to him talk with another physicist about consciousness here . He has a new book out called Irreducible as well. I highly recommend his view. 👈
We are at an inflection point in human consciousness. Faggin suggests we are at the point where scientism changes its very foundational view that matter creates reality.
We’re also at a point where human consciousness is starting to realize, on a wide scale, that a) the physical reality has an energetic foundation that actually creates reality, b) the ways of the world are actually not that great for many of us, and c) many humans are so fear driven (survival mode) that they do not believe in cooperation or empathy (love and higher consciousness mode.)
We’re at a point where we either heal our survival wounds (including our shadow) and move into relationship with our higher frequency consciousness (which is love and cooperation), or we fall deeper into our survival natures and continue to fight for dominance.
Anxiety is sympathetic energy with nowhere to go. Fighting is sympathetic energy activated and possibly projected. Avoidance is flee energy. Depression is shutdown or collapse energy. Confusion and inability to focus is freeze energy – perhaps functional freeze (only partially on.) Feeling insignificant is a form of shutdown or freeze energy. Chronic physical pain is often a mix of sympathetic and shutdown energy activated at once. Chronic immune has a mix of sympathetic and shutdown energy at its foundation in 80% of the cases. All of this is activated from fear.
Our nervous system is at the base of our physical body’s reality. It has both physical and energetic properties. Our nervous system is the foundation of our inner work and healing – physical, emotional, mental, and energetic.
Nervous system healing is also the foundation of consciousness and human evolution into a more connected and secure world of cooperation. Humans are actually designed for cooperation, not for competition. Competition and its bedfellow hierarchy and power-over dominance are narrow, survival based fear responses.
Quite frankly I’m so damn tired of this vibration on our planet. We actually deserve and are capable of much, much more than this fear based, limiting collective vibration.
I often feel like flipping some tables! (sympathetic activation) We’re not meant to always be calm. We want our nervous system to be able to react to the moment at hand, and then experience settling.
In order to heal on a nervous system level, we need enough resources to be able to balance or hold our pain and fear (little by little, with support and resources.) I’m able to dive into deeper resentments and regrets because my system has created enough space through nervous system healing.
There is a direct experience of security that comes from nervous system healing. It is a deep felt sense of being physically and psychologically ok — even when the world has gone bat-shit crazy and uncertainty is ubiquitous.
It’s quite a paradox.
But being human in itself is a paradox.
It remains to be seen what will transpire across this beautiful planet in the coming year. But what I do know is that we cannot go backwards, and we can’t hold back energy.
We will create the future, together, each from our unique perspective. What kind of world do you want to live in? What is the most ideal society and community you can imagine? Do you choose love or fear?
Humans spend more time imagining doom than we do imagining things working out well. That’s because we operate mostly from our survival physiology.
We all have shame and smallness that were given to us — but those conditions are not ours. They were put on us by someone else.
Our deepest nature is of connection — full of resources and full of love. Our deepest nature speaks lovingly to us. Our deepest nature is heart based, connective and empathic. Our deepest nature has boundaries. Our deepest nature is kind, but not necessarily nice. Niceness is often a shadow quality. Kindness works for a deeper truth and connection.
So dear one, what kind of world do you desire?
Desiring and longing are the basis of being human, but it’s the desire to know who we are on a foundational level. It’s not to acquire more things, power, money or accolades. Our deepest desire is to experience the foundation of our being. Our mission is to bring that love and perspective uniquely to the world however we choose.
⭐️ We are creator beings. Let’s create something beautiful, together.