These reports are offered to assist us with the shift currently happening in our world. They are insights into the energies present—both cosmic and earth energies—that have the most impact on our individual systems and collective communities from my vantage point. They are written in conjunction with my guidance team (you have inner wisdom and a team guiding you as well!) I hope these reports offer you insight, refuge and a sense of agency as you move forward on your journey.
Down to the Bone
October enters with a promise. This promise is a paradox. It is all that you have been wanting in terms of change landing squarely into reality on the planet. It also is nothing like the delivery you expected—even if you didn’t exactly have a vision of where you are headed. We are being cleaned and cleared out, all the way down.
Let it Go
The old ways are dying out. We see them gasping and clawing. Let them go. Do not fight them. Thank them for their place in time, for their service, and then turn to the new. You have access to new ways of being, new ways of connecting through your vast, interconnected heart energy. These new ways are a remembrance, for they are not entirely new. You know this energy well. You remember connection and love. You remember how to work in harmony, as one heart expressing through many bodies.
It is often said on this planet, “I feel it in my bones.” Quite likely you are. It is that deep these shifts. There is nothing that will be left out.
As the Earth Goes, So Goes the Human
Physical planetary energy will be a bit bumpy this month, as the Earth continues to re-align her own body through the ever-present Great Shift transformational energies. Yes, the Earth is alive—you know this, you feel this. She is shifting and evolving as well, just as we all are. That is part of the weather anomalies your/our planet is experiencing. She is your/our planet. She has housed you, cared for you and been your home. How can you support her in her transition, even as you move through your own?
Many of you are sensitives, creatives and visionaries. All of these qualities have a unique sensitivity at their core. The bulk of humanity does not operate at this level of sensitivity. It is a unique gift, one that sometimes feels like a curse—but it is all in service of your/our evolving consciousness. We are raising and awakening the consciousness of our entire planet. There are always what can be called “Leading Edge Beings” on our planet. You can see them throughout time. Right now, there is a greater number, especially in their younger years.
These young ones have an evolved way of being. They see and experience the world quite differently than even some of us older sensitives. The beauty is, even though they have historically had a harder time adapting to the density of our planet, as the cosmic, psychic and physical energy continue shifting so very quickly, they will also adapt and emerge more quickly.
You know how challenging it has been for you to shift, change and adapt your beliefs and habits? They are a step ahead of you. They just have not figured out how to use it … yet. They will have little problems adapting, especially as those of us in the older generations take our places.
You/us, on the other hand have been operating in this density for much longer and the slog to shift has been a bit mucky. Do you feel it changing? You/we are almost out of the muck. We have been laying down boards and bridges as we’ve slogged, so there is a pathway for others to follow. Our challenge is to not bemoan them for skipping across the bridge when our journey has been much more challenging.
You/we came in early. We came to set the energy, to ground it, to connect it with others near and around the globe. We knew it would be difficult. We set up plans with others that would cross our paths and help us find our way.
Celebrate Your Connections and Evolve
These other sensitives, wayshowers and visionaries are the ones we have found that are the sparkly treasures of human relations that actually get us. It is not many… yet. Cherish those that you have found that get you. They are lights and nourishment for you along the way.
Let us speak a moment about sensitives. Sensitives are human beings that have a more sensitive nervous system. Sensitives and highly sensitive people have highly tuned and more complex reception in their nervous systems. We could call it evolved, but we are still in a paradigm that thrives on hierarchy and that is not what this is about. It is not a better than or lesser than. It is simply a way you are made. All societies have had highly sensitive people that have helped leaders balance their might and force in dominator societies.
We are living in a patriarchy, a male dominator society. It is brutish. It thrives on power, dominance and violence. Think back to the Warrior-Kings and the territory they conquered, the societies they enslaved, destroyed or protected. They had highly sensitive Poet-Magicians, Mystics or Priestly Advisors that were sensitive to the world and could commune with non-physical spaces the conquerors could not. This ensured more balance in the culture or society.
The role of the sensitive includes traits that ensure the survival of the species. Because sensitivity has been in only about 20% of the population, our roles have been quiet and in service to the majority. Now this is shifting.
The role of the sensitive is evolving. We are finding ways to step into leading.
Evolution through Shifting Habits
First, is to notice and examine all the places you/we show up in the world to support and advise others in our slice of this dominator society. Where do we uphold unspoken agreements of oppression? Where do we support and uphold imbalances of power? Where do we go against our own self-interests and knowings as we support these systems of White male advantage?
Now, in speaking to this, I am in no way demeaning White men. I’m married to one and I’ve birthed two into this world. White men are subject to the unspoken rules and operating systems of this world as much as the rest of us. They have historically been denied access to their more sensitive sides. They have had to contort and push down a part of themselves just as the rest of us have. They have simply had more advantages than the rest of us because this society was created in their image and to their advantage. It’s that simple.
The second part of evolving this month is to stretch the edges of your own unique nature. As a sensitive, one can be an introvert or an extrovert. Sensitivity is a trait.
Sensitivity has often been confused with introversion. Extraverts can absolutely be sensitive. They simply need to get away into their own space after a bit and recharge, too. Introverts tend to move to their inner world to solve problems and integrate understanding. Extraverts often need to say things aloud somehow to process integration and understanding.
If you tend to go silent or turn inward when stimulation moves into and through your field, your challenge is to respond differently—to speak aloud what you normally turn inward, in what ever avenue feel right. You could speak aloud to the unseen world in nature, in your journal or to a trusted friend or partner.
Conversely, if you tend to talk things out or generally need to discharge energy quickly, which are extravert tendencies, your challenge is to hold that energy with you a little while longer than normal before you bring it into words.
Both of these small shifts have to do with energy and how you process it. When you evolve your usual response, it creates a bit (or a lot) of tension, but it also amplifies the energy.
Amplify Your Channel
This is one thing we can truly use more of—amplified creative and visionary energy. As a sensitive and creative, you are uniquely qualified to do this. The way energy moves through you/us could be called channeling. Often channeling is considered a mysterious or otherworldly experience. In reality, channeling is bringing through creativity and information directly from your source through your system—your channel—and birthing it into this reality. It is simply creating and serving through your gifts; allowing the way life moves through you to have a voice and an avenue into being.
It is time for all of us to move out of our old, habituated patterns of living. There are habits you/we have that we know are outdated. As you move through your days, notice which habits of thought or which emotions feel like they’ve played out enough in your field. There doesn’t need to be any aggressive or dominating actions to move this energy. Simply note what is no longer a good fit for your field.
Instead of trying to banish or eliminate these habits, our suggestion is to embrace them. Give them your full and undivided attention and remember how these traits, habits and qualities have truly served you. These habits and ways of being are protective qualities that came on very early in your/our existence. They are allies. They wish to grow and evolve, as well, only if we let them.
Throughout this next month, it is recommended that we celebrate often and loudly, with others. All of that outrage and rage you/we have been feeling—it will begin to shift, little by little into ways to celebrate. It is actually the same intensity of energy, just expressed slightly differently on the spectrum of feeling. Just like in the animated movie Monsters, Inc., we actually create more energy with joy than fear. Amplify these spaces of joy as often, loudly and collectively as you are able. It makes a difference.
Your Body is a Holy Space. It is Sacred.
One final piece is the body piece. Do you remember it is sacred? How has your body been feeling? If you are going through deep physical shifts, they are mostly felt through pain and discomfort. Have you been having discomfort or pain that is not reconciled by your usual methods? Is nothing really working? Our suggestion is to allow your body, and consequently all of you, to have more space. What does this mean exactly, more space?
Most of us do not live in a way that our energy expands to its optimal place in space. Many of us have our energy pulled in and protected so that our energy doesn’t even reach the edges of our skin. Some of us reach the edges of our skin, but do not venture any further. Our suggestion is to expand your energy (you could call it your physical energy body) as far beyond your skin as your body would like to experience. Play with this before you go to sleep, in the middle of the night or just when you wake up. Your mind will be more free in these times, so you will let yourself roam and play a little more than usual.
Start with your feet and legs. Ask your body how much room it would like in order to feel comfortable. Do not be alarmed if sides are uneven or if your body requests a large amount of room. Your/our bodies have a wisdom and intelligence that is often non-language based, but we understand it none-the-less. We are evolving our physical bodies along with our consciousness evolution. Go through your whole body, from your feet to your head, and see how much room your body needs. Keep your awareness wide. You do not need to go below the skin and ask all the parts and pieces that make ‘You’ you, just basic body parts like you see in the mirror.
This next month will be a slow turning of the tides. There will be flashes of insights, but mostly a step-by-step, day-by-day walking through by each of us on our evolutionary journey. We are linked together in many ways, but it will become much more clear just how much we are linked through our heart spaces. Do not look to connect with everyone, only those that get you and share a similar resonant field at this time. Let this next month be a practice of heart celebration.
Remember, you were made for these times.