Somatic Movement Medicine is a progressive series of movement that work with our motor and sensory nerves. Stress impacts our systems from physical and psychological events. Our bodies are designed to adapt, when it's too much (both physical and psychological) our bodies go to involuntary responses. These movements reconnect us to our voluntary movement abilities.

Somatic Movement Medicine Class 10
Shortened practice with beginning of seated movements
Somatic Movement Medicine Class 7
A progression of flexion, extension, side bending and double twisting.
Somatic Movement Medicine Class 6
My mic wasn't working in this class. Most of this class is now in Class 7. Class includes deep front, back, side body, and rotations. Movements should be getting more clear. We are resetting our sensory and motor nervous system.
Movement Medicine - Lesson 1
These movement practices are important to do in a sequence. Our body grips and contracts in involuntary ways, often sequential. Start slow. Feel what's happening so our brain and body reconnect.