HEAL Monthly Membership

Teachings and practices to help you heal and grow into embodied wholeness.

HEAL is a heart-centered space to Heal, Evolve and Awaken to Love.

Is HEAL for you?

  • Do you have physical pain, chronic pain, and limited movement ability – especially as you age?
  • Are anxiety, depression, injuries, wounds or trauma keeping you from living life fully? 
  • Have you tried to heal through multiple avenues, but they didn’t solve your challenge?
  • Do you want more energy, confidence, clarity and possibility?
  • Have you felt a calling for a deeper connection to self, others and the environment?
  • Do you want to deepen your intuition, guidance and understanding of subtle energy?
  • Are you searching for belonging in a chaotic and often brutal world?

New content every week

Weekly – LIVE Somatic Movement Medicine Class on Zoom 
8:30-9:15 am PT Tuesdays (unlimited access to recordings)

Somatic Practices

Somatic means the living experience inside of your body. Somatic practices assist us in healing trauma and injuries by allowing nervous system cycles of activation and settling to regain their natural harmony. These are neuro-biological practices, meaning they work with body, mind and emotions. 

Subtle Energy

Most of the energy in our world is actually subtle energy. We exist in a world of sound and light as vibrations. Our physical bodies are formed from energy vibrations and movement. 

We can learn to connect to work with subtle energy to improve health, shift beliefs, and live from our deepest self. 

Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine has been used by ancient cultures since the dawn of time. Whole food herbs are safe and build health. Herbal nutrition can help your body heal and thrive through learning how to use whole food herbal teas, formulas and practices of cleansing and nourishing.

Somatic Movement Medicine

Forty-five minute practice with time for questions. This sequential practice works with your central nervous system, motor nerves and sensory nerves. Regain movement, strength, and aliveness in your body-mind. 

Go Slow

One hour nervous system balancing class. We use pillows, blankets, and blocks to support our body for deep myofascial relaxation. Movements are gentle and slow. For all students.

Living Yoga

One hour asana (posture) yoga practice. Move, focus, breathe into your physical body to create harmony, health and ease in body, mind, and heart. Yoga asana is a phycho-physical practice for healing and growth. 

Each Month You Get:


Frequently Asked Questions:

Yes. While I price this membership to be affordable, I’m aware this is not the case for everyone. Reach out to me here and we can find a solution for you.

Yes, of course. You will have access through the rest of the month that you purchased. There are no monthly minimums beyond the one month purchase. 

Most videos are not downloadable at this time. Downloadable content will be labeled. As long as you are a member, you have unlimited access. 

Great News! Somatic Movement Medicine is offered LIVE weekly on Mondays from 8:30-9:30 am PT. 

You are also invited to join the Go Slow class LIVE on the last Tuesday of each month from 4-5 pm PT. (date may change in 2024)

The link for Go Slow will be in the H.E.A.L. Membership portal near class date. 

These classes are for EVERY body. If you are new to movement, you are encouraged to take the gentle option until your body is ready for more. Once you know these movements, you are encouraged to continue with Somatic Movements for the rest of your life to stay active and strong. 

Somatic Movement Medicine offers challenge to our central nervous system. Even if you have a movement practice, you’ll find this practice new and perhaps challenging in the beginning. 

Go Slow classes are restorative in nature. We aren’t always accustomed to slowing down. Your nervous system will thank you for this class!

Join H.E.A.L. Monthly Membership