January Energy Weather – Guidance, Healing & Wholeness

Creative background. Old wooden door, blue color, in the box. Transition to a different climate. The concept of climate change, portal, magic. Copy space.

Guidance, Healing & Wholeness

Here we are at the beginning of a new year. Are you hopeful? What are you feeling at this moment?

I wish to speak to you about these reports. They are shifting, as I knew they would.

I work with, and frankly always have, a guidance team. What does this mean exactly? Well, I’ve been contemplating that almost half a century. To be fair, I wasn’t contemplating it when I was very young, but I do remember knowing something was talking to me from around age 5 or 6.

I’m not sure if I told you this story. When I was around 5 and 6 I started hearing voices calling to me when I was falling asleep. They would call my name and I would jolt awake.

What I noticed about this space where the call seemed to come from was it seemed like a room with ‘people’ gathered in it. They were calling me from this place. I also had times right before sleep where I heard strange (to me) sounds, unlike anything I had heard in my waking time.

Even though these spaces were light-filled, they scared me terribly. I thought it was something ‘bad’ calling me. And that the sounds were from a ‘bad place.’

Why did I think that? I don’t know for sure. But I do know by that time I had believed I was a ‘bad person’ and that there was something inherently damaged and wrong with me. I didn’t have the capacity to imagine that something incredibly whole and clear would want anything to do with me. I had no idea that was my True nature.

It took a long, long time to clear up my misunderstanding of myself. One pivotal moment came during a childbirth class where the teacher played Primordial Sounds. These were the sounds I heard as a child as I would fall asleep! This simple awareness stopped me in my tracks. If these sounds were not bad, and were essentially the basic sounds of nature and even considered sacred, what did that mean if I heard them without even trying?

This simple realization caused me to re-evaluate everything I had thought myself to be. It was a great un-doing. It was a new beginning.

I’m telling you this for a reason. We all have ideas of who we are that we have adopted from others and their way of moving through life. These beliefs are imparted from social norms, are mainly inherited from our primary attachment figure(s) and categorize us—our temperament, our traits, our idiosyncrasies, and our disposition—into mainly good or bad, depending on our family values and society norms. What is valued in one society may be abhorred in another; it is all relative. And we have ingested these perspectives as truths, and often absolute truths.

Everything is in Relationship

There is nothing on this planet that exists in isolation. Everything is in relationship to something else. Humans are no exception. One of our primary growth points is to remember that we are a spirit inhabiting our human world. All this means is that there is an animating force of life that experiences the world as our individual self.

At the same time, this life force is in every living thing on the planet. This life force comes from the same source, it just manifests or inhabits the building blocks of our world in different arrangements, becoming what appear to be separate objects. But at the deepest level, everything is from the same source of life.

Each of us has our ways that we remember and live close-in to this source, which we could call our spirit (or any other term that works for you.) When we were young, this connection and relationship was clearer. As we grew, depending on the environment in which we were raised, we either deepened or diminished this relationship. We often call this connection to spirit our intuition. Intuition is the language of spirit. It comes in what we call our ‘Clair Senses.’ We’re often most familiar with this as Clairvoyance or Clear Seeing.

Our Clair Senses are the primary way our True self or spirit communicates with us. This communication literally moves through our body as vibrations. We all have a primary way we receive information from our source or True self. It’s difficult to put words on these concepts, but I’m going to keep trying because when we understand these concepts, they become less mysterious and we’re more comfortable leaning into them.

To speak plainly, our spirit, True self or True nature is always in relationship with us. Our True self is us. It’s our inner self, our higher self, our soul, and our guidance. The veils of our human and earth world do not limit this aspect of us—it has a wider perspective.

Now, we are at a point in time where we are shifting our society values. For the past 200 years, we have been heavily influenced by rational mind and scientific thought. This was a necessary and consciousness-expanding journey. Yet, during this time we moved strongly toward rational mind proofs, when that is only a part of who we are. We are so much more. So can we prove there’s a spirit that is our True self that we can have a communication and relationship with? Not by our scientific standards of the moment.

Should we wish to develop our relationship with our inner, truer self, it is not one others can easily validate. It is a trustable ground we have to cultivate. People can guide us. I can help you find your dominant Clair Sense and learn how to lean into it. Yet, the bottom line is you have to develop a practice of leaning into it and trusting it. Will you translate it perfectly every time? Nope. But you’ll learn how to listen and understand a deeper part of yourself. It feels true and whole. It is a growth process.

This is a practice of interpreting what we receive through our bodies as vibrations into our Clair Senses or Intuition, which become clear through our heart, not our rational mind. This is a relationship of our physical self with our spirit or True self.

Healing, Growth & Wholeness

Healing and growth go together. When we heal, we mend spaces that have been separated. Every time we do this there is growth involved. We have to have growth in order to heal. It is the only way to bring disparate pieces back together into wholeness. When we do this, there is always a memory scar that remains. These are direct signs of our growth. When we mend our broken or separated wounded spaces, we move back into wholeness, but now with a new experience to add to who we are.

Healing and growth are dynamic experiences, but so is Wholeness. Wholeness is remembrance of who we are, our True self and nature, while also honoring the dynamic experience of being alive as humans. Wholeness is a paradoxical experience. It is the stillness within the movement. It is the absolute within the individual experience. Wholeness is an enigma that is difficult to understand in the climate of rational mind. And at the same time, it’s a basic premise of who we are.

Healing, growth and wholeness are understood through direct experience. Reading about it is only one dimension. Living these experiences is another experience entirely. Direct experience requires all of us—our felt senses, emotions and thoughts. Direct experience is more than our rational mind. Wholeness requires we bring all of our self to the experience. Healing and growth often involve tension and what we understand as pain. Pain is both a teaching tool and an experience of separation.

Energy Weather

I shifted this month’s report because it feels helpful to describe and define these concepts before talking about this month’s energy. We have moved into a new energetic paradigm. This new energy supports cooperation, community, social change, working together to solve economic and environmental challenges, conscious technology solutions, innovative thinking and new creation. This new energy is all about the collective interconnectedness and working for the whole.

This new energy requires us to deepen our relationship to our True self or spirit.

At the end of the year, just a few days ago, we had a strong influence of energy that has touched on our values around home and security. There is a great potential to create a more trustable ground in the areas around home and security, but it will not be without letting go of some old ways of being. This security we are finding in our home on earth—our body.

We are in new territory here. We cannot rely on old maps to show us the way. We are creating the way as we walk. This is a realm of creating deep trust within ourselves, holding onto our deepest and most True nature, and from there moving as we’re guided and inspired. What this means plainly is we have to find deep love and compassion for our self —a love deeper and more true than what we were taught about our self. It is a love that is beyond good/bad, right/wrong. It is a love that simply Is. We are loved and we are Love. We can remember this. As we do, we remember our Wholeness.

Then from here, we connect to other. This is a game changer because when we have an inner sense of Wholeness, we aren’t looking to others or our vocation to fill our wounded spaces. We don’t have as much armor and can be more vulnerable. We have inner strength. Love heals. Compassion grows us. We have to know this personally, and then we can offer it out to others.

You/we will find that all of our pain places are connected with our fear and survival instincts and responses. These are necessary. And as we grow, we allow other states of being to be present. These other states are literally states that support unity consciousness. But we cannot reach them when we are in fear-based states. We can heal. We can grow. We can remember Wholeness. It is a creative process. It is your True nature.

Remember, you were made for these times. You are spirit incarnate. You can remember your Wholeness, live in harmony with yourself, and find harmony with the world around you.