Energy, Magicians and Mystics
The Practice: Shift Your Roots to Nourish Your Physical and Subtle Energy We’ve talked before about connecting to the ground under you. Now we want to take it a little…
The Truth of You
The Truth of YouHere’s a question for you: Are you sensitive to energy? While I didn’t intend this as a trick question, the truth is we all are. Some of us…
Fruits of Your Labor
We wish to take a moment, here, at the beginning, to encourage you to pause and acknowledge how far you have come. You are shifting so very fast, always looking…
Evolving Biofields
This month’s guidance takes us to our changing biofields, the fields that contain our bodies, and our relationship to our planet. We are becoming more aware of our bodies as…
The Radiant Background
Here is a little known secret, You are all cosmic dancers, Remembering your origins, Dancing your way back into the light. July has some intense energy potentials. There are waves of cosmic energy…